We Love Resources
The Electrician’s Children
The Electrician’s Children is a memoir of three generations of an Irish family. It begins in remote, rural County Donegal in the 1920s and proceeds across five continents to the present day. The electrician’s two sons and one daughter, struck by their parents’ unpretentious faith, one by one became champions of the plain-spoken message of Jesus. Here they recount their adventures not only throughout Ireland and the UK but also in Russia, East Africa, East Asia, Western Europe and Pakistan. What impact will inequality, conflict in Northern Ireland, the arts, diplomacy, poverty, culture wars, burnout and personal tragedy have on how their counter-cultural message of hope and mercy is received?

Sorted will fire your feelings of destiny in life and help you to secure your relationship with God. The book provides the information about life as a Christian: experiencing God’s forgiveness, sharing your faith and allow you to find the best part you can play in helping our generation understand Jesus.
Living & Telling
Living and Telling is a training resource by Agapé designed to help envision, equip and empower Christians to share their faith in Jesus as a way of life. The course is theologically robust and intensely practical, so you’ll be getting into the Bible but also doing what it says.